When people get married, they usually combine their finances. They begin living together and may use one checking account for all major household expenses. It is common for one spouse to manage most of the financial matters for the family. Allowing one individual to...
Trusted attorneys for Estate Planning and Administration, Real Estate and Tax Matters.
Month: December 2023
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How can you pass assets to charities of your choice?
Many people have causes that they want to support. While they can do that while they’re alive, some are fortunate enough to be able to continue to support those charities after they die. There are several ways that a person can make this happen. It is critical to...
Is it typical to talk to the people included in your estate plan?
After you’ve made your estate plan, you may be wondering if you should talk to anyone about your decisions. While some people talk about their estate plans, many people keep their personal matters private. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a bad thing to talk to...