When you write your will, you certainly may know exactly why you’re making specific decisions. You know why you’re giving a certain percentage of your money to a specific beneficiary, for example, or why you have divided the family heirlooms the way you have. But do...
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What your final will cannot do for you – and how to compensate
A well-crafted will grants you control over what happens to your assets after you are gone. It lets you choose who inherits your money, property and cherished possessions. However, there are limitations to its reach. Here are four key things a will cannot address....
How pour-over wills can help those who create trusts
Funding a trust often involves giving up control of certain resources. An individual may move their home and other personal possessions into a trust to protect those resources from creditor claims and provide support for loved ones or charitable causes. The change in...
What is the process of contesting a will?
When a loved one passes away, dealing with the process of settling their estate can bring up an array of emotions. One of those emotions might be anger if there were certain expectations regarding inheritance. In that situation, there may be some discussion regarding...
The key functions of a will
There are numerous legal tools that may be used in estate planning, but one of the most fundamental components of an individual’s documents is a will. A valid will in New York must be written, signed and witnessed by the maker of the will and two eligible witnesses in...
2 ways to update your will
Your existing will may not be your final one. Your life may change with time - you may get married/divorced or have a new child/grandchild. In addition, laws may change, a beneficiary or an involved party (the executor or guardian) may die or you may want to...
Mistakes to avoid when creating a will
No one wants to think about a time when they won’t be around. However, failing to put the proper planning tools in place, such as a will, can cause a lot of hassle for your loved ones when you pass away. While intestate laws are in place to determine what happens to...
How often should you update your will?
A lot may have changed since you wrote your will. For example, you may have acquired new assets or sold some of them. Given that your will defines the future of your estate, everything must be up to date, in line with your current situation. But, how often should you...
How do you pick the right guardian to name in your will?
Your last will and testament is where you explain how your loved ones should divide your property after your death. Your will also serves an important role if you have young children. You can name a guardian to provide for their care if you die or become unable to...
Common mistakes people make when creating their will
Creating a will is never a fun thing to do. No one wants to think about their own mortality and leaving their loved ones behind. But having a will is required to avoid New York’s intestate laws. Intestate laws are put into place to determine who gets what if someone...